1076 Canal Rd, Princeton, NJ 08540
Contact Us

908 359-5970

Rentals are available until 1 hour before closing. Hours of Operation are weather permitting, so in case of inclement weather, please call us first.

Saturday 10 am-8-pm
Sunday 10 am-8-pm
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed

are available until 1 hour before closing. Hours of Operation are
weather permitting, so in case of inclement weather, please call us

Saturday 10 am-8-pm
Sunday 10 am-8-pm
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed

Rates and Capacities

All Rates are per boat (not per person). Prices include paddles, seat cushions, PFD’s (life vests) and all applicable taxes and fees.

Important: All participants must sign a Release of Liability Form before renting any watercraft.

Click here to view and print the Release Form.

Any participants under the age of 18 must have Release Form signed by Parent or Guardian.


Canoe Rental Type

1st Hour
2 Hours All
2 Seater Canoe – Maximum 565 pounds, 4 people (2 seats, 2 on floor) $24.00 $34.00 $50.00
3 Seater Canoe – Maximum is 800 pounds, Front and rear seats with back rests and center bench seat $29.00 $39.00 $55.00


Kayak Rental Type 1st Hour 2 Hours All
Single – Maximum 275 pounds, 1 person (cockpit is large enough to fit a small child on a cushion as long as weight limit is not exceeded.) $23.00 $31.00 $45.00
Twin – Maximum 450 pounds, 2 people (plus small child on cushion if weight limit is not exceeded.) $28.00 $38.00 $55.00

Off Site Rentals

1 Day

Off Site Rentals – Offsite rentals are for Class 1 and Class 2 waterways only. Management reserves the right to limit rentals during times of high water or forecast. All passengers must have waivers signed.

3 seater canoes are not available for off site rental. Discounted rates are not available on Holiday weekends.

day rate
times all day rate
times all day rate

Group Rates

Group Rates – Groups with advanced reservations of 10 or more boats during regular hours 10% Full Day – Rental Only

Per Person Rate

1 hr

2 hrs 3 hrs
Per Person Rate – For Camps and Class trips only. Minimum 30 paddlers. May use our regular group rates if preferred. Paddlers choice of available boats. $13 $17 $20

Rentals are available until 1 hour before closing. Hours of Operation are weather permitting, so in case of inclement weather, please call us first.

Saturday 10 am - 7 pm
Sunday 10 am - 7 pm
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Trip Advisor
Griggstown Canoe and Kayak Rentals
Social Media