Route 206: Take 206 South into Montgomery Township. Make a left on Belle Mead Griggstown Rd. Make a right at the first Stop sign and follow to the end. Make left onto River Rd. and then a quick right on the bridge (Caution advised at this one-lane bridge). Proceed through park to Canoe Rental on left.
Route 1: Take Route 1 North to South Brunswick. Take jughandle onto New Rd. (1st light after South Brunswick Shopping Center). New Road becomes Bunker Hill road. Continue 5 miles to the end. Make a left on Canal Rd. Canoe Rental is a 1/2 mile down on the right side.
Route 206: Take 206 North to Rocky Hill. Make a right onto Route 518 (WaWa on corner). Continue down hill to the first traffic light. Make a left on Canal Rd.. Canoe Rental is 3 miles on left.